Tag: Daily Meditation

Chakra Shower

Chakra Shower

The Chakra Shower Meditation can be performed as a full length meditation or with practise it can become an exercise that you can easily do whenever you feel you need to cleanse your Chakras. We are all aware of the cleansing and healing properties of water and the power of colour. The Chakra Shower uses …

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Four Easy Ways To Meditate

Four Easy Ways to Meditate

Meditation is so beneficial to us for our mind, body and soul. There are many different ways and methods to meditate. Below are four easy ways to meditate that you can try. For each method make sure that you will not be disturbed and that you are sitting comfortably with your back and head are supported. You …

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Creating your Own Meditation Space

Meditation Space

Having a Meditation Space can be a very important part of having meditation in your life. It can become part of your ritual. The space doesn’t have to be huge, just a secluded nook in the home where you can be quiet, a place where you can relax, calm down and meditate. A place to …

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The Benefits of Guided Meditation

Guided Meditation

Guided meditation is becoming more and more popular. It is used by many people not only to relax from a busy day but also to connect their mind, body and spirit. For many people their days have become more stressful, the world has become more crowded and more worldly problems have arisen. Guided meditation can …

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Meditation Poem

Meditation Poem

Many poems can be used for meditation purposes. They can be repeated as mantras, parts used as affirmations or simply read silently or out loud when you are in the meditative state. The words can help anchor you into a meditative, healing state. The following meditation poem is one that I found on www.worldprayers.org, written …

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