Tag: Guided by Spirit not Driven by EGO

Our Thoughts Create Our Reality

Our thoughts create our reality

We live in an all-inclusive Universe, every thought that we have, that we give feeling to, gets to be included in our current reality whether we like it or not. The Universe does not distinguish between good and bad, positive and negative, right and wrong, it just reacts to our current vibration and reflects it …

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Your Inner Guidance System

Inner Guidance System

Your Inner Guidance System We are often bombarded with the ideas and opinions of others. They are often given with the best of intentions, at other times not, but your own inner guidance system should always be the first and last voice that you follow. There is nothing wrong with listening to others and valuing …

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Being Grateful

Being Grateful

Being grateful, feeling gratitude, raises your vibration and so whenever you feel grateful for something you also feel happier and more joyful. This can be for anything in your life, no matter how small it may seem. When we are grateful we stop taking things for granted and we come to fully appreciate all that …

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Hearing Your True Voice

hearing your true voice

Sometimes it really does feel like we have a little cartoon devil on one shoulder and angel on the other, whispering into our ears, but who do we listen to? Who shouts the loudest and effects our emotions, mood and thought forms? Usually it’s the little devil, the critic, the voice that tells you you …

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Breathing and Relaxation

Breathing and Relaxation

Breathing and Relaxation-it sounds so simple but it’s far too easy in modern living to fall into the stress mode of life. Some of us are stressed from the moment we wake up without even realising it. There are so many things that build up through the day that can cause stress, it doesn’t have …

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Harmonise Body Mind and Spirit

Harmonise body mind and spirit

Bringing your body, mind, and spirit into harmony can be a tough job! One essential part of uniting these three elements of your person is knowing what makes you passionate. Knowing what makes you passionate will help you get in touch with your soul, to feel creative energy, to feel truly alive. Whether it’s through dance, …

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Elodie Armstrong- Ten Commandments

I enjoy looking for poems and quotes that lift my spirits and inspire me. I found this poem by Elodie Armstrong online a few weeks ago and decided to share it with you. I think if we could put these into practise the world would be a far more peaceful and wonderful place. For me, …

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Smiling and it’s many benefits


Recently I’ve been trying to smile more. I’ve noticed that whenever I smile I feel so much better. It’s not that I don’t smile because I’m unhappy, I just seem to have lost the habit, or if I do smile, it’s quick and fleeting. I’m practising smiling more,  smiling longer and just because I can. …

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