Tag: Mindfulness

Distant Reiki Attunements for Anxiety Relief

In these current times many people are experiencing anxiety and fear. Anxiety is something that not only lowers your energy vibration but also has a dramatic effect on your day to day living. I’ve collated my top 6 distant Reiki attunements for anxiety relief, these energies can help bring peace and calm, prevent overwhelm and …

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Grounding After Attunements

Grounding after attunements can help reduce symptoms of feeling light headed, dizzy and a little disorientated, whether you have received an attunement or have given one, grounding is important to anchor you back to Mother Earth. When you give or receive attunements you are working with energies of a high frequency and level and your …

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Mind Calm

Mind Calm

Mind calm is the process of bringing your mind to a place of complete calm and stillness and can have enormous health benefits for you. When the mind is calm and free from the constant chatter and noise of the day we move into a place of peace and perfect ease, a place where self-healing …

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Connect to the Earth

Connect to the Earth

We are all aware of the importance of grounding, whether you are practising energy work or receiving it. It can be easy to be spiritually adrift and not have your roots digging down into the earth. It is essential for our well-being that we connect to the earth. I have always enjoyed chakra work and …

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Walking Meditation

walking meditation

A walking meditation is an easy and simple way to bring meditation practises into your everyday life. Many of us in this busy life that we lead walk less and less, we take a bus, the car, we sit for long periods, but walking is such a great way to exercise and if you turn …

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Allow Life to Unfold

Allow Life To Unfold

Sometimes it can be the most difficult thing in the world-to let go, to allow life to unfold around you and see what turns up. We may feel that if we allow life to just do its own thing we will somehow lose all control and never get back on track. Our need to have …

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Being Present

Being Present

Being present, being in the moment is very difficult for most of us to accomplish for any length of time. We are constantly thinking of the past, worrying about the future, listing things we need to do, things we want to do, etc. We are so used to doing routine activities that we can easily …

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Energy Healing

Energy Healing

As you may have already guessed if you’ve looked at my website, I’m a Reiki fanatic! I love Reiki healing, but I do acknowledge that it’s not the only form of energy healing that exists and many people prefer other methods. There are many forms of energy healing available to us, from spiritual healing, Qi …

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Four Easy Ways To Meditate

Four Easy Ways to Meditate

Meditation is so beneficial to us for our mind, body and soul. There are many different ways and methods to meditate. Below are four easy ways to meditate that you can try. For each method make sure that you will not be disturbed and that you are sitting comfortably with your back and head are supported. You …

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Yin and Yang

Yin and Yang

The Yin and Yang symbol is a result of the Chinese Philosophy in regards to how the universe functions. The black and white shapes within the circle represent the interaction of two energies called “Yin” and “Yang”; they are not completely black or white nor can they exist without each other. The curve of the …

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