Tag: What is a Chi Ball

What Will I Feel During a Distant Reiki Attunement?

What will I feel during a distant Reiki attunement?

Many people ask, “What will I feel during a distant Reiki attunement?” There really is no one answer to this question, there are so many variables and possibilities! Even people who, like myself, have received many, many attunements still have different experiences. What you will experience can change depending on your situation, the environment you …

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Distant Reiki Attunement Benefits

Distant Reiki Attunement

There are so many benefits of choosing to receive a distant Reiki attunement. Distant Reiki attunements have been available for many decades now, yet many people still don’t consider it as an option for being attuned to an energy system. I am still amazed at how many Reiki practitioners don’t even realise that it is …

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How to Send a Distant Attunement

How to send a distant attunement

Distant attunements are more and more popular nowadays. They enable people from all over the world to receive attunements in the comfort of their home and they are just as effective as in-person attunements. Many people don’t realise that once they have received their attunement they can often (depending on the energies and the person’s …

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How to Receive a Distant Reiki Attunement

How to receive a distant reiki attunement

Distant Reiki attunements are becoming more and more popular and there are so many available to choose from and the best part-you don’t even have to leave your home to receive one! Receiving a distant attunement via chi ball is by far, for me, the most convenient and comfortable way to become attuned to any …

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Choosing an Attunement and Attunement Procedure

Choosing an attunement and attunement procedure

I am asked a lot about choosing an attunement and attunement procedure. Many people wonder what attunements are best, how to choose an attunement and what is the procedure after purchase. This is a quick guide to help. Choosing an Attunement With so many new systems and energies available it can be quite a task …

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What are Distant Attunements?

What are distant attunements

What are distant attunements? Distant Attunements are a wonderful way to access the many systems of Reiki available to us. The convenience of distant Reiki attunements means that differences in time zones simply don’t matter! You choose when and where to take your attunement. Once you are attuned to the energies of a system you …

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