Tag: meditation poem

Yoga Makes You Feel Good.

Yoga makes you feel good

If you are feeling a bit flat or low this time of year you might want to consider taking up, or re-taking up the Practise of Yoga. Yoga is a great mood enhancer. Like all forms of exercise, yoga releases hormones that help ease feelings of stress that often lead to feeling low or depressed. …

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Lift Your Spirits, Four Quick and Easy Ways.

Lift Your Spirits

Are you feeling the Winter Blues? I know the short days often take their toll on me, so here are four quick and easy ways to lift your spirits that you can try any time. 1. Breathe Sit with your back straight, shoulders relaxed and palms on your lap. Take a slow and deep breath …

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Smiling and it’s many benefits


Recently I’ve been trying to smile more. I’ve noticed that whenever I smile I feel so much better. It’s not that I don’t smile because I’m unhappy, I just seem to have lost the habit, or if I do smile, it’s quick and fleeting. I’m practising smiling more,  smiling longer and just because I can. …

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Two Wolves

Two Wolves within

Two Wolves Fighting Within-An Old Cherokee Legend. I do not remember when I first read the story of the two wolves or where, but I printed it off and have had it for many years. The picture above shows another, shorter version. There are also other versions of the two wolves. The message is the …

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