Tag: New Earth Blog

Room Energy Clearing and Cleansing

Energy Clearing and Cleaning for Rooms

Room energy clearing and cleansing can help shift and remove any stagnant, negative energies that have built up in a room and could be effecting your energies. Just as physical clutter, dust and dirt builds up in a room so too does the non-visible stuff. It is important to keep the positive flow of energy …

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Connect to the Earth

Connect to the Earth

We are all aware of the importance of grounding, whether you are practising energy work or receiving it. It can be easy to be spiritually adrift and not have your roots digging down into the earth. It is essential for our well-being that we connect to the earth. I have always enjoyed chakra work and …

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Self-healing and Energy Workers


Practising self-healing is one of the most important parts of being a Lightworker or energy worker. Unless you are running in tip top condition you will deplete your own energies very quickly  when trying to help others. All energy workers are more than happy to help out if they can, sending healing to others, sending …

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Walking Meditation

walking meditation

A walking meditation is an easy and simple way to bring meditation practises into your everyday life. Many of us in this busy life that we lead walk less and less, we take a bus, the car, we sit for long periods, but walking is such a great way to exercise and if you turn …

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The Present Moment-Connecting With Source

The Present Moment

The present moment is all that exists. The past has gone the future is yet to come, there is only now and now is the time when you are connected to source energy. When you look back to the past, particularly to negative events or when you look back with longing because you do not …

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Happiness and Gratitude

Happiness and Gratitude

There are many, many studies that link happiness and gratitude, basically the more grateful you are the happier you are. I’m not trying to establish the link here I just want to share with you a recent experience I had that made me think about the link between happiness and gratitude. Recently, after going through …

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Your Inner Guidance System

Inner Guidance System

Your Inner Guidance System We are often bombarded with the ideas and opinions of others. They are often given with the best of intentions, at other times not, but your own inner guidance system should always be the first and last voice that you follow. There is nothing wrong with listening to others and valuing …

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Allow Life to Unfold

Allow Life To Unfold

Sometimes it can be the most difficult thing in the world-to let go, to allow life to unfold around you and see what turns up. We may feel that if we allow life to just do its own thing we will somehow lose all control and never get back on track. Our need to have …

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Being Grateful

Being Grateful

Being grateful, feeling gratitude, raises your vibration and so whenever you feel grateful for something you also feel happier and more joyful. This can be for anything in your life, no matter how small it may seem. When we are grateful we stop taking things for granted and we come to fully appreciate all that …

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Being Present

Being Present

Being present, being in the moment is very difficult for most of us to accomplish for any length of time. We are constantly thinking of the past, worrying about the future, listing things we need to do, things we want to do, etc. We are so used to doing routine activities that we can easily …

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