This blog is full of articles, ideas and ramblings that I hope will be of use to you on your journey…there’s many topics, meditation, crystals, energy healing, alternative medicines, gratitude, self-development, etc.

How to Meditate
Meditation is a simple yet powerful practice that helps calm the mind, reduce stress, enhance clarity and expand spiritual awareness. Below are tips and ideas ...

Understanding the Vital Role of the Earth Star Chakra
The Earth Star Chakra is an overlooked chakra in my opinion, even though it is widely considered to be the foundation of our spiritual growth ...

Benefits of Receiving Reiki
There are many benefits of receiving Reiki. Reiki energies can have a profound effect on physical, emotional and spiritual well-being and you can self-treat as ...

The Universe Responds to Our Vibration
The present situation and circumstances that we find ourselves in are a direct result of the thoughts we have had in the past. We are ...

6 Easy Ways to Deal With Negative Emotions
From time to time we all experience negative emotions it’s normal and often a necessary part of our spiritual growth, but if negative emotions start ...

Preparing to Send a Distant Attunement
More and more people are connecting and sharing energies via distant attunements so I've written some tips for preparing to send a distant attunement to ...

A Brief Guide to Your Aura
Many people ask about the aura, what it is and how it works, so I've written a brief guide to your aura to help explain ...

Top 6 Shamanic Reiki Attunements
The field of Shamanic Reiki is vast to say the least, there are many vibrational variations of Shamanic work available to us to tap into ...

6 Ways to Increase Your Vibration
Everything around us is made up of energy, vibrating at different frequencies. Scientific research has shown that a healthy body normally vibrates at around 62-68hz ...

How to Make Amethyst Psychic Protection Aura Spray
Simple, quick, energy protection against psychic attack. Amethyst Psychic Protection Aura spray can be used as often as needed and can be carried with you ...

Giving Reiki to Animals
Animals of all descriptions can benefit from Reiki. Animals, unlike humans, have no doubt or resistance and as soon as the healing starts, they just ...

10 Ways to Incorporate Reiki In Your Daily Life
Working with Reiki for healing and spiritual development is an amazing experience, but Reiki doesn’t have to be something that you tap into only when ...

Boost Your Self-Care With These Tips
Self-care is an act of self-love that many of us overlook and allow our mind, body and spirit to run on empty. We are all ...

Rituals for Letting Go
Following on from my last blog post, Letting Go of All That Does Not Serve You, I thought I’d write some ideas for rituals you ...

Letting Go of All That Does Not Serve You
Letting go of all that does not serve you is incredibly important for your physical, emotional and spiritual well being….but it’s not always easy! As ...

How Self-talk Affects Our Reality
The words we choose for our self-talk play an incredibly important role in influencing and creating our physical reality, but many of us don’t notice ...

I am I Meditation
This meditation is a form of mantra and positive thinking that can help boost self-esteem, promote personal power and self-love. "I am I" meditation is ...

Distant Reiki Attunements for Anxiety Relief
In these current times many people are experiencing anxiety and fear. Anxiety is something that not only lowers your energy vibration but also has a ...

Gratitude Meditation
Regularly expressing gratitude is a simple and amazing way to manifest into your physical world more of the good stuff that you want. It can ...

Reiki For Troubled Times
There is no doubt that at this time of writing we are globally facing very frightening and uncertain times. Many, many people worldwide are afraid, ...

How to Send Global Healing
At the time of writing this we are in the midst of a global pandemic (2020). Many people want to do something to help, but ...

What Will I Feel During a Distant Reiki Attunement?
Many people ask, “What will I feel during a distant Reiki attunement?” There really is no one answer to this question, there are so many ...

Our Thoughts Create Our Reality
We live in an all-inclusive Universe, every thought that we have, that we give feeling to, gets to be included in our current reality whether ...

Chakra Meditation
This Chakra Meditation can help to reboot your chakras, bringing balance and harmony and helping you feel energized and vibrant. So, before we start, just ...

Reiki Self-Healing Practise
When you are taught Usui Reiki Level 1 you learn about Reiki Self-Healing practise and the various hand positions to do this. This is a ...

Meditation for Positive Thinking
This is a short, easy to follow meditation for positive thinking that can help you to re-programme your mind to focus on the good things ...

Distant Reiki Attunement Benefits
There are so many benefits of choosing to receive a distant Reiki attunement. Distant Reiki attunements have been available for many decades now, yet many ...

Top 6 Abundance Reiki Attunements
Abundance is something I often get asked about. Abundance Reiki can be used to attract anything in your life that you want to have a ...

How to Send a Distant Attunement
Distant attunements are more and more popular nowadays. They enable people from all over the world to receive attunements in the comfort of their home ...

Grounding After Attunements
Grounding after attunements can help reduce symptoms of feeling light headed, dizzy and a little disorientated, whether you have received an attunement or have given ...

Connecting With Spirit Guides
I am asked a lot about connecting with Spirit Guides and was recently gifted to channel an attunement Spirit Guide Connection Empowerment to help. I ...

Top 6 Reiki Attunements to Make You Feel Good
All Lightworkers and energy healers can feel a little depleted sometimes, the nature of our work means that energy levels are constantly changing and sometimes ...

How to Receive a Distant Reiki Attunement
Distant Reiki attunements are becoming more and more popular and there are so many available to choose from and the best part-you don’t even have ...

Top 6 Protection Reiki Attunements
I am asked a lot about Protection Reiki, whether it is for use during energy work or protecting your energies from energetic vampires and psychic ...

Energy Meditation
Energy meditation is a form of meditation that focuses your attention on how everything is made up of energy. It is a simple meditation that ...

Choosing an Attunement and Attunement Procedure
I am asked a lot about choosing an attunement and attunement procedure. Many people wonder what attunements are best, how to choose an attunement and ...

What is a Chi Ball in Reiki
What is a Chi Ball in Reiki? A chi ball is a unique ball of energy, which I create for you containing the attunement of ...

What are Distant Attunements?
What are distant attunements? Distant Attunements are a wonderful way to access the many systems of Reiki available to us. The convenience of distant Reiki ...

Etheric Cords
I have for some time been interested in the concept of Etheric Cords and the effect that they can have on us. A lot of ...

Dragon Energies
I have witnessed in the last couple of years a huge increase in popularity of the Dragon Reiki Attunements. Dragon Energies are being sought after ...

Daily Ritual
The process of daily ritual is very important in our spiritual lives to help us focus on who we truly are and bring into this ...

Room Energy Clearing and Cleansing
Room energy clearing and cleansing can help shift and remove any stagnant, negative energies that have built up in a room and could be effecting ...

Connect to the Earth
We are all aware of the importance of grounding, whether you are practising energy work or receiving it. It can be easy to be spiritually ...

Self-healing and Energy Workers
Practising self-healing is one of the most important parts of being a Lightworker or energy worker. Unless you are running in tip top condition you ...

Walking Meditation
A walking meditation is an easy and simple way to bring meditation practises into your everyday life. Many of us in this busy life that ...

The Present Moment-Connecting With Source
The present moment is all that exists. The past has gone the future is yet to come, there is only now and now is the ...

Happiness and Gratitude
There are many, many studies that link happiness and gratitude, basically the more grateful you are the happier you are. I'm not trying to establish ...

Your Inner Guidance System
Your Inner Guidance System We are often bombarded with the ideas and opinions of others. They are often given with the best of intentions, at ...

Allow Life to Unfold
Sometimes it can be the most difficult thing in the world-to let go, to allow life to unfold around you and see what turns up ...

Being Grateful
Being grateful, feeling gratitude, raises your vibration and so whenever you feel grateful for something you also feel happier and more joyful. This can be ...

Being Present
Being present, being in the moment is very difficult for most of us to accomplish for any length of time. We are constantly thinking of ...

Empowerment or Attunement
What is the Difference Between an Empowerment or Attunement? The difference between an empowerment and an attunement....Hmm, I wish I had a pound/dollar/euro/etc. for every ...

Hearing Your True Voice
Sometimes it really does feel like we have a little cartoon devil on one shoulder and angel on the other, whispering into our ears, but ...

Home Made Smudge Sticks
This last couple of months I've been experimenting with home made smudge sticks. I love white sage smudge sticks, but unfortunately I can't grow white ...

Introduction to Acupuncture
I have on many occasions found acupuncture to be extremely helpful, particularly for relief of back pain and muscle problems, though it's uses are far ...

Energy Vampires
Energy vampires come in all shapes and sizes these days, but all have one thing in common...they leave you feeling exhausted and drained of all ...

Meditation Mantras
Meditation mantras are words or collection of words, which have the potential and the ability to free you from all limitations and limiting beliefs. How ...

Boost Your Energy Levels
From time to time we may all feel that energy lull through the day, but sometimes our energy levels seem to be in a constant ...

Healing Crisis
Occasionally when people receive an energy attunement or energy healing, whether it is chakra balancing, Reiki or whatever form, they experience a healing crisis after ...

Breathing and Relaxation
Breathing and Relaxation-it sounds so simple but it's far too easy in modern living to fall into the stress mode of life. Some of us ...

Harmonise Body Mind and Spirit
Bringing your body, mind, and spirit into harmony can be a tough job! One essential part of uniting these three elements of your person is knowing ...

Using Essential Oils
Essential oils are pure aromatic plant essences – they are distilled from flowers, fruit, leaves, resins, roots, seeds, and wood. The are used for their ...

Energy Healing
As you may have already guessed if you've looked at my website, I'm a Reiki fanatic! I love Reiki healing, but I do acknowledge that ...

Chakra Shower
The Chakra Shower Meditation can be performed as a full length meditation or with practise it can become an exercise that you can easily do ...

Daily Meditation
In days of old, spiritual life was separate from "regular life". People went to church or temple once a week, and then got on with ...

I Promise Myself
I promise myself....I thought this poem by Christian D Larson might be a great way to start off the New Year. It's a very motivating ...

Four Easy Ways To Meditate
Meditation is so beneficial to us for our mind, body and soul. There are many different ways and methods to meditate. Below are four easy ...

Laughter The Best Medicine
Is laughter the best medicine? Laughter certainly has enormous amounts of health benefits ranging from positively affecting diabetes, lowering risks of heart attacks, reducing stress, ...

Creating your Own Meditation Space
Having a Meditation Space can be a very important part of having meditation in your life. It can become part of your ritual. The space ...

Develop a Positive Outlook
We are all faced with problems in our lives, whether small problems on a day to day basis or great problems that will potentially change ...

How to Avoid Colds and Flu Naturally
It's that time of year again...time to boost the immune system and prepare for Winter. If you want to avoid colds and flu, or at ...

Elodie Armstrong- Ten Commandments
I enjoy looking for poems and quotes that lift my spirits and inspire me. I found this poem by Elodie Armstrong online a few weeks ...

Yin and Yang
The Yin and Yang symbol is a result of the Chinese Philosophy in regards to how the universe functions. The black and white shapes within ...

The Benefits of Guided Meditation
Guided meditation is becoming more and more popular. It is used by many people not only to relax from a busy day but also to ...

Charlie Chaplin Poem
Many of us remember Charlie Chaplin from his films, a few years ago I came across this beautiful poem by him and thought I'd share ...

Lavender-The Queen of Herbs
I've just collected some lavender from my garden. It is by far one of my favourite plants and essential oils. It is so versatile and ...

The Chakras and Yoga Part Two
In Chakras and yoga part two we will continue to look at the different chakras and yoga postures to balance them. Disclaimer-Please note that this ...

The Chakras and Yoga Part One
This article, the chakras and yoga is in two parts for ease of reading. The topic of the Chakras is huge and I am by ...

Chakra Balancing
Chakra balancing and healing has been used for centuries to balance important energy centers in our body called chakras. We all have seven primary chakras ...

Our every day lives can be stressful, hectic and demanding, we are all guilty at some point of neglecting the present moment, allowing our brains ...

Massage Therapy
Massage therapy can be used in many ways on our bodies. It can aid healing if muscles are damaged, help with many muscle related illnesses, ...

Distant Reiki Attunements Article
I get asked a lot about distant reiki attunements, what they are and how they work. I am well aware of the controversy between Reiki ...

Turmeric Amazing Health Benefits
Over the last several years, there has been increasing interest in turmeric and its medicinal properties. Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) belongs to Zingiberacae Family and is ...

Inspirational Poem by Thich Nhat Hanh
I love the writings and poetry of Thich Nhat Hanh. The following poem by Thich Nhat Hanh is taken from "Call Me By My True Names", ...

Yoga Makes You Feel Good.
If you are feeling a bit flat or low this time of year you might want to consider taking up, or re-taking up the Practise ...

Essential Oils-Your Basic Home Kit Part 2
Welcome to part 2 of this article on essential oils and their many uses for everyday ailments and problems. If you missed part 1 just ...

Essential Oils – Your Basic Kit
Essential oils provide a natural alternative to healing common ailments. The actions of essential oils are broad, ranging from topical antiseptics and anti-inflammatories to analgesics, ...

Lift Your Spirits, Four Quick and Easy Ways.
Are you feeling the Winter Blues? I know the short days often take their toll on me, so here are four quick and easy ways ...

Aloe Vera, The Wonder Plant.
Aloe Vera is a wonderful plant with so many beneficial properties. If you've never tried it, read on to find it's many, many uses. Out ...

Smiling and it’s many benefits
Recently I've been trying to smile more. I've noticed that whenever I smile I feel so much better. It's not that I don't smile because ...

Alternate Nostril Breathing
This is by far one of my favourite yoga breathing techniques. It can be a little difficult to get used to, but once you are ...

Guided by Spirit not Driven by EGO
The ego can be seen in many aspects of a person's character. It is often identified as arrogance, jealousy, fear, stubbornness, judgement, etc. It is ...

Meditation Poem
Many poems can be used for meditation purposes. They can be repeated as mantras, parts used as affirmations or simply read silently or out loud ...

The Cat Pose -Yoga
I have been practicing and teaching Hatha Yoga for over twenty years and find it a wonderful system to unite body, mind and spirit. Hatha ...

Two Wolves
Two Wolves Fighting Within-An Old Cherokee Legend. I do not remember when I first read the story of the two wolves or where, but I ...

Reiki Healing Today
Reiki is energy healing. Generally speaking whatever type of Reiki we are talking about it is based upon channelling natural energies, universal life force to ...

Yoga – The Bridge Pose
This month I thought I'd start a series of Yoga articles. I have been practicing and teaching Hatha Yoga for over twenty years and find ...

Haematite and its Amazing Properties!
Haematite is amazing, if you've never used it before, or maybe you've forgotten about this wonderful stone, then the following article should spark your interest ...

Rose Quartz Crystal
Rose quartz is by far one of my favourite crystals to work with, look at and hold. The energies of rose quartz for me are ...

Crystal Healing
This post on crystal healing is intended to give a brief introduction to crystal healing. Crystals are wonderful stones to work with for self healing ...